Best Social Media Idea of the Month: Smith College's Outcomes Infographic

Quick bit of housekeeping for this week: I'm headed to Las Vegas for a work trip on Thursday and will be gone for a few days, so there's a good chance the blog will go dormant for a few days later this week and into next week. I'm sure all of you will somehow find a way to keep on keeping on while I'm gone.  :)

Now, onto the main event... crowning the Best Social Media Idea of the Month for February! Lots of great stuff to chose from, but I'm giving the nod to Smith College's awesome outcomes infographic because not only is it super cool and it spawned an incredible comments section on Facebook, but it addresses something critically important - showcasing the myriad career opportunities a degree can lead to, something particularly true for liberal arts colleges and universities that have a strong humanities curriculum. 

Check out my original post for a more in-depth look into why this is such a cool idea, plus a look at the amazing comment thread proud Smith alumnae took part in. 

This is a terrific example of something that starts with great content - in this case, a terrific interactive infographic - and is transformed and taken to the next level through social media.

Big congrats to the Smith College team for putting this together!

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