The Week in Links

• I missed a CASE Twitter chat. Again. I really, really suck at this. Great stuff in there though!

• Any social media ranking always needs to be taken with a grain of salt, and Andrew Careaga does a terrific job raising some serious questions about the Huffington Posts's Top 100 Best and Most Collaborative U.S. Colleges list. My favorite ranking comes from Varsity Outreach, but that may be because University of Portland always does well in it.  :)

• My most popular post of the week: The hilarious, brilliant, madcap "Perls of Knowledge" campaign by University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 

• If anyone's up for getting crafty, this Instagram Photo Booth from Friendemic is pretty darn sweet. Could be a lot of fun during Orientation.

• On The Community Manager, David Spinks says that we community managers should be asking for raises. Here, here!!! 

• Really nice presentation about using Instagram in higher ed by Gretchen Edwards of Wake Forest. I'm all in on Instagram at the moment... since I started doing it last winter, it has totally re-invigorated UP's social media presence. Still waiting for the advertising show to drop, but I'm hopeful it won't ruin things. It's owned by Facebook though - of the soon-to-be-coming autoplay video ads - so I'm not holding my breath.

• I'm surprised I haven't gotten a call from the development office yet: Nonprofits now able to accept donations through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram comments. (From Tim Sohn on Social Times.) Big shout-out to two Portland-area companies for partnering on this. West Coast = Best Coast!

• Nice post on the CASE blog by Matthew Anderson of Western Washington University about lessons learned when things go a bit haywire on social media. 

"And now it's time to say, what I forgot to say:" Have a great weekend everyone! I miss the 90s. Don't you? I sure do.  Sigh.

Great Facebook Idea: User-Generated Top Ten List

Great Social Media Idea: A Different Type of Heart Hand